Every time I see a commercial for Meg Whitman it just pisses me off. Her dishonesty and outright distortions of the truth have driven me to finally make a blog entry.
Let’s start with her lies about her maid, a woman she allegedly has known for 9 years yet claims she only discovered a few months ago she was here illegally at which point the maid was fired. Are we to believe Whitman knew this woman for over 8 years and was completely oblivious as to her citizenship status? Bullshit! She must think you and I are complete idiots. This woman claims to take a hard line on illegal aliens yet had one cleaning her house. What’s the word I’m looking for? Lair? Hypocrite? How about both?
She attacked Jerry Brown because Brown’s in favor of keeping the state’s capital gains tax. Who even benefits from capital gains? Poor people? No. It’s the rich. Meg just wants to protect her rich friends. She claims that money keeps businesses running and those businesses create jobs. Come on, Meg. Are you really using that old, tired “trickle down” Reaganomics bullshit. We’re smarter than that. The rich don’t trying to create jobs, they’re just want to create more profit. Are we to believe that the rich are interested in nobly sharing the wealth with the poor? Come on.
Then she claims that California is one of the least business-friendliest states in the country, 48th out of 50 allegedly. Gee, Meg, that must explain why Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Electronic Arts, HP and eBay (eBay, imagine that) are such miserable failures, aren’t they?
Her latest commercial offers the biggest insult of all. She claims Jerry Brown gave state employees collective bargaining power and “…the unions have just gotten stronger and stronger…No wonder why all the unions support him.” The last time I checked there was still such thing as “furlough Fridays” in California. If those unions are so powerful why can’t they stop state employees from having to take Fridays off without pay? She would have you believe all state employees have it made. If that’s the case I wonder why EVERY SINGLE STATE EMPLOYEE I SPEAK WITH talks about needing to get a second job to make ends meet? How dare you attack California’s civil servants that way, Meg Whitman.
Now she did say she’d protect the pensions of California’s safety workers. And for this all the cops are endorsing her. One of Jerry Brown’s staffers was caught on mike talking about this endorsement and calling Whitman a “whore” for which Brown apologized at the start of their final debate. But you know what? Even the president of California NOW agreed she’s a goddamn whore.
"Meg Whitman could be described as 'a political whore.' Yes, that's an accurate statement," [California NOW President Parry] Bellasalma said after a TPM blogger called to ask her about a story that appeared on the Daily Caller website. (http://tinyurl/22quou7 if you want to read it yourself)
While it is true that California did survive two terms under that horrible Pete Wilson why subject ourselves to this woman? Please vote for Jerry Brown next month.
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